Manufactured Homes as ADUs

A comprehensive look into manufactured homes as an affordable ADU option

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This 1.5 hour training covers the possibilities of manufactured homes as an affordable option for ADUs. 

Manufactured Homes have been around for decades, and have evolved with the times. They are banned in some jurisdictions from being an ADU due to legacy zoning codes. But, where they are allowed to be built and installed as ADUs, they offer an affordable and streamlined way to add one to a property. All of California allows for HUD manufactured homes as ADUs. 

This previously recorded webinar gives the online learner the opportunity to hear from one of the top teams in building manufactured homes as ADUs, Crest Backyard Homes based in the San Diego region,  they provide an overview of how this building type can meet the needs of homeowners looking for a relatively affordable, quick, prefab ADU option.

You will learn about the financing, appraisals, construction, and delivery of manufactured ADUs as a cost-effective housing solution.

This 1.5 hour class is designed for building professionals, architects, real estate, agents, contractors, developers, and anyone interested in implementing creative solutions in the growing ADU industry.


The recorded webinar will conclude with a 30-min Q&A session with our instructors: 

Kol Peterson (Instructor)

Kol is on the Board of Casita Coalition and has extensive experience with ADUs starting from development to the technical and rules advisory committees for Oregon’s House Bill 2001 to help revise residential zoning regulations to allow for middle housing throughout the state. Kol is the owner of Accessory Dwelling Strategies LLC, a company dedicated to ADU related education, advocacy and consulting. See below for complete bio. 

John Arendsen, Contractor and Manufactured Home Dealer, Co-Founder of Crest Backyard Homes 

John Arendsen is the co-founder of Crest Backyard Homes, a manufactured home dealer and contractor. John started his career in the manufactured home industry in 1967, assembling homes with his fellow college football teammates. John became a manufactured home dealer by default. Having worked in the disaster response business for a decade and having to remove and replace severely damaged and totaled mobile and manufactured homes the State demanded that he get a dealers license. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. John has installed thousands of manufactured homes across the US in his almost 4 decades in the business. John also holds a California Real Estate Broker license and has been practicing real estate since 2007. 

Lenska Bracknell, Project Manager - Crest Backyard Homes

Lenska brings decades of investing, construction, and real estate experience. She works diligently and relentlessly to keep any project on time and within budget. Her fixed wing and drone piloting skills yields very professional site overviews and evaluations for any ADU project from conception to completion. 


Gain ADU expertise and become an 'ADU Specialist'

Join us for upcoming 'All About ADUs' live webinar trainings to learn more about ADU development in the City of Portland and gain information that will help you support clients to understand site eligibility, development process and costs, and the return on investment of ADUs. Attendees of the 'All About ADUs' class also become eligible to earn the 'ADU Specialist' professional designation

Learn more and register here >>

Learning Objectives
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  • Understanding the basics of manufactured homes and their unique characteristics compared to traditional site-built and prefabricated homes.
  • Exploring the regulations and building codes for manufactured homes used as Accessory Dwelling Units.
  • Identifying the key factors to consider when considering a manufactured home as an ADU, including zoning requirements, financing options, and site preparation.
  • Comprehending the appraisal process for manufactured homes used as Accessory Dwelling Units, including the importance of location, condition, market trends, and cost analysis, and how these factors impact the final appraisal value.

When & Where
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Recorded Webinar available on-demand

Intended for audiences in California and the West Coast

CEs & Cost
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Continuing Education
OR Real Estate Agency: 1.5 CEs 
CCB: 1.5 CEs 
AIA LU/HSW: 1.5 CEs 
Earth Advantage Broker Renewal: 1.5 CEs
Accredited Green Appraisers: 1.5 CEs

Course Fee 
$15 | Regular Admission

Questions? Please contact our ADU Training Coordinator at or (503) 968-7160 x 165.

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Appraisers, Architects, Builders/Contractors, Code Officials, Consultants, Developers, Lenders, Real Estate Professionals, Remodelers, Students

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Kol Peterson
Kol Peterson: Owner of Accessory Dwelling Strategies LLC
Kol is the owner of Accessory Dwelling Strategies LLC, a company dedicated to ADU related education, advocacy and consulting. Kol edits and manages and and, websites that address ADU policy issues, best practices, and feature an array of ADU projects. He also teaches ADU classes through Earth Advantage wherein brokers can earn an ADU Specialist Designation. Kol also runs Portland's city-wide ADU tour, and does ADU related teaching, speaking and consulting for a variety of audiences.